Friday, September 9, 2011

Can you take pets out of the country?

I heard you can't take pets out of the country. Im planning on getting a new pup and i'm moving to the bahamas afterwards. Will I be able to do this and what will i have to do?|||Yes, you can take your beloved pet when you're moving out of the country. But be aware that most countries have a quarantine regulation. Your pet may need to spend as much as 6 months in a separated kennel facility.

I've given you a website to check about your specific country in the source section.|||yeah you can take you pets with you but you have to check the rules and stuff with the government there, i think you should call ur embassey there for a start and find out what exactly you need document-wise and if ur animal has to spend a certain ammount of time in quarentine, most probably does. i'm sure you can take ur pet, they are part of the family.

good luck|||yes but you have to get it checked for diseases and it costs a lot of money|||It's not taking them out of the country that's the problem, its whether the country you are taking them to will accept them in. Check with the Bahamian government about their rules for importing animals.

Edit - found the rules for Bahamas - see link below.|||no,cause it's against the law...|||It sounds like the pup has to be at least 6 mos old. get an older puppy or wait and get one after the move鈥?/a>|||You'll need to jump thru a bunch of hoops to get the dog on a plane (check with your vet). Usually involves shots, health certificate, rabies certificate, etc.

Then you'll have to jump thru more hoops for the county you are going to. They will have a host of things they require as well. Some countries are as strict as to impose a 6 month quarantine on newly arrived animals. Depends on what kinds of diseases that already have in the country and what kinds of diseases the country of orgin has.

I would say just hold off on getting a new pet until you are settled. On the other hand, it may be easier to get a pet into the US. I had a friend bring a dog back from Mexico with little trouble. They drove though.|||You can, the animal just needs a vet certificate of health, and may have to stay in quarantine at the new location, for a certain amount of time.|||yes you can.....but there is a lot of paper work to be done throught the vets and through the contry not to mention all the moving prep.....i would suggest moving and then getting the puppy after your settled cause it would be easyer on you and the puppy....|||I don't know if the government there will accept U.S. dogs or not. But you'll probably get into some red tape if they do. Some countries have quarantines and this varies in length. So, your puppy would be held at a facility for probably 2-4 weeks before you could retrieve it. They are making sure the pet doesn't have rabies, most generally.

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