Friday, September 16, 2011

Is my veterinarian legally obligated to give me my pets records on request?

I know they will send them to another vet, but if i walk in there and ask for a copy of my pets record, do they have to give them to me or can they rightfully refuse?|||This can very on the state but in most states that answer is yes they must give you a COPY they actually often must retain originals - they CAN charge a coopy fee but most don't (x ray flims may be an exception)|||Probably depends on the local laws. You may be charged for the copies. My vet has no problem with it, he happily gives me copies of anything I want from their files. I like to keep records copies of important stuff in case there's a problem while traveling and I have to take them to a vet somewhere else. I would imagine most vets would be happy to give you a copy of your pet's records, I can't think why one would refuse that request.|||This is regulated by each state. In most states they are required to release them. They can charge you a fee, though.|||they should give them to you. i don't think they would have a problem, after all it's YOUR pet.

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