Friday, September 16, 2011


I need to know what kind of pet i should gte i need something that is pretty small and that stays in a cage plz answer|||Mice are really sweet. Hamsters are not very social but mice are. You can get two or three and they will provide you with a great pet experience without too much maintenance or space. They live for about 2.5 years. Make sure you get them very young so that they will bond with you. When they are young there is a small window or opportunity for them to bond with humans. If you miss that window they may never be as comfortable with you.

Enjoy your new pet!|||get a chinchila, they r shy and stay there cages.|||hampster, lizard, bird use your imagination!|||why get a pet if you plan on keeping it caged all the time? Try something stuffed that way you don't have to care for it, clean the cage or interact with it.

All pets need interaction. Would you like being caged all the time??? Well neither would any pet you may get... just something for you to consider|||Get a Guinea Pig - it can stay in a cage most of the time, but be sure to take it out a lot and give it lots of attention.|||Pet Rock.|||why a cage? get aparrott.|||Hamsters or Guinie pigs are adorable!|||i'm gonna have to reccomend you get an african emperor scorpion. they are quiet, clean, easy to care for, and they are just so freakin cool.

the african emperor is one of the largest scorpion species in the world. they are about 6 inches long. they are nocturnal hunters, and will hide during the day so provide shelter and deep substrate, dirt or peat, so they can burrow. they only require 3-4 large crickets per week to eat. they are venomous, but if you are stung it isnt any worse than a bee sting. still, use caution when you need to handle them. i always put a tupperware container over them and slide a piece of cardboard underneath them to lift them out of thier tank. a 10 gallon tank is plenty big enough for 1 scorpion. tem should be between 75-90 degrees farenheit. these scorpions are also quite dostile, and likely wont go out of thier way to attack you.

now, for the coolest part. u get an african emperor scorpion, put it in the tank, turn all the lights off in the room, and grab a blacklight. hover that light about a foot or so over the scorpion and guess what? that thing turns from black to the coolest bright neon green you've ever seen!

i loved my scorpion when i had it, it was really easy to care for, really cool to look at, and was a great conversation piece. i had it for 5 years and then gave it to a friend when i moved away and he still has it 3 years later. life expectancy is about 8-10 years. a little less for males.

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