Thursday, September 22, 2011

What are the top ten easiest pets to look after?

I want a pet but my mum thinks that they aren't going to be easy to look after. What are the top ten easiest pets to look after?|||the easiest id say to look after are goldfish (plonk it in a bowl and its happy) tropical fish are easy too but you have to remember to keep their tank at the right temperature and things like that. small rodents (such as a hamster or gerbil) are good fun. theyre lively and cute. just keep their food bowl and water full and you clean their cage once a week. stick insects are super easy to look after too, but a bit dull. cats are pretty easy to look after too. unlike dogs they dont need to be taken out for walks and they just generally laze around looking cute most of the day. they do require jabs and things as a kitten but as they grow up they are easy to look after as they tend to amuse themselves most of the time and you can leave food down and they will graze throughout the day, whereas dogs need fed at regular times. birds are pretty easy to look after too.|||1) Snakes - They don't eat a lot (once every few weeks), they don't make much of a mess and they don't move a lot. You pretty much get them a warm temp in their enclosure and that'sa botu it.

2) Lizards - They eat a little more than snakes, but not much. Other than that, reptiles are extremely easy to care for.

3) Scorpions/Tarantullas/Centipedes/Stick Insects - They're kinda like lizards. You really don't do too much, just feed them every now and again. Still, you'll have to clean their cage.

4) Hermit Crabs - Provide a humid environment with some empty shells and some food and they're good to go too.

5) Freshwater Fish - Depending on the set up you want, they're usually easy to care for. You set up the tank and the filtration. You change your filter media every 90 days, you do a weekly vaccum and water change, and you feed 0-3x/day. The bigger the tank the more you can set up an eco system, the easier it will be to keep.

6) Planted Fishtanks/Saltwater Fishtanks - Same as above, but now we've got water parameters we've gotta watch out a big more for.

7) Rodents (Mice/Hamsters/Gerbils/birds) - Feed and water daily. The cage maintenance is a big more involved. You gotta scoop poop and pee and change the cedar chips/bedding. You've also gotta handle them so they don't bite and become afraid of you.

8) Larger caged animals (Guinne Pigs/Chinchillas/Rabbits/Sugar Gliders/Ferrets/parrots) - similar to 7, but you've gotta let them out of the cage to get some exercise. You've also gotta handle them a little more than you would a hamster. Some have litter that you can change. Sometimes you gotta trim nails and/or teeth.

9) Cats - Clean their litter every 1-3 days, feed and water daily, lots of attention, play with them, vet check ups, neuter/spay, clip nails. A little training is necissary, toys

10) Dogs - Lots of training, registration, vet checkups, nail trimings, daily feedings, daily exercise (walks and runs), needs to be let outside to go to the bathroom at least twice per day, constant attention demanded, bathing occassionally, socializing with other people and animals, toys|||in no order, fish, hamster, cat, worms, stick insects, rabbit?, chinchilla, snake can't think of anymore and I don't actually know how easy the ones on my list are.|||Here is my opinion

1. fish

2. hamster

3. cat

4. dog

5. hermit crab

6. Turtle

7. guinea pig

8. bunny

9. cockatoo

10. sugar gilder|||1= hampster

2= rat

3=guinea pig








hope this helped|||Cats are pretty easy and there are lots looking for homes in the shelter. Umm dogs would be one of the hardest to look after and birds take up alot of time.|||1 - a rock

2 - sea monkeys

3 - a bug

4 - a fish

5 - hamster

6 - rabbit

7 - cat

8 - dog

9 - a reptile

10 - a disabled creature|||1. Fish

2. Spiders

3. Snakes

4. Rabbits

5. Mice

6. Birds

7. Cats

8. Dogs

9. Gerbils

10. Ducks|||I'd say that fish require the least amount of effort, just clean the tank and feed them.|||1 fish

2 birds

3 hermit crabs

4 hamster

5 rat/mouse

6 small dog

7 cat

8 goat

9mini horse

10 bug|||1 is "Pet Rock" very little maintenance.|||An imaginary pet beats the lot.|||Dead pets

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