Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What cauese people to choose not to vacinate their kids and pets?

I am not sure what section to put this in, 'parenting' or 'pets' so I will choose pets I guess.

I know people that have not vaccinated their kids. And I know people who have not vaccinated their dogs or cats. I am just wondering the 'whys'|||Pets: probably too expensive.

Kids: People believe that the risks outweigh the benefits. This is partly due to misinformation, but is undoubtedly also due to the fact that some childhood illnesses are very rare *because* of vaccinations. They simply do not realize how dangerous diseases like whooping cough, measles, German measles, polio, and diphtheria can be since they have never encountered a child who has had one of those illnesses.|||It could be because of no health care plan/financial lack|||I choose not to vacinate myself (I have no kids) because mercury is found in most vacinations! Yes, mercury, that cancer causing stuff! Look it up on google! :)|||mentality. "if grandpa didn't do it, why should i"?

not everyones evolved.

these same people don't understand that good nutrition is as important for their pets as for themselves. "grandpa's dogs lived on scraps etc etc"|||Cost and logistics. Going to the vet is expensive and there are not vet's everywhere. A lot of rural places might have a feed store you can buy the vaccines at but they can't administer it for you.|||These people are uneducated or just plain don't care. Either way it is hurting the kids and pets. Vaccinations are a preventative and to put it in a way everybody will understand will save a lot of money in the long run. For example if you don't pay to have your puppy vaccinated for parvo which maybe costs $15.00 and your puppy gets parvo it could cost hundreds of dollars to hospitalize your dog.|||they dont have the money or they dont want to spend money on their pets.(like my dad, rabbit health issues didnt go so well)but its fine now he is realy sry and is letting me get a new one and promises me that if it does get sick he will take care of it. Or they might be illigal imagrants and dont want to get caught. those are some of my reasons

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