Thursday, September 22, 2011

Can you reccomend some inexpensive fish that make good pets?

Why do they make good pets? I was considering setting up a tropical looking aquarium, any suggestions?|||Want a good looking easy tropical aquarium? Start with a 20 high or better yet, a 20 long.

I own a small retail store. I could set you up with a 20 high, hood, iron stand, power filter and heater for about $150. That would not include nets, thermometers, gravel, supplies, food, decor, etc. So could your local Wal-Mart, but give your local retailer a chance first, because without him staying in business, you will not have a source for quality fish and help when things go wrong. My shop vs. Wal-Mart on a 20 gallon set up, you might save $10 at Wal-Mart, most businesses know they have to be competitive.

If you can spend the extra money on a 20 long, which has a larger hood and stand because of it's shape, it is money well spent, because the larger surface area will support more fish in the tank. A 29 sits on the same stand and uses the same hood as a 20 long. Its about $15 more than a 20 long. It may be the ideal starter tank. With an iron stand, it should cost no more than $210. At Wal-Mart more like $195 if you really have no other choice of retailers.

I'd suggest platies, zebra danio, mollies (if you got the 29) cory cats, black tetras, red eye tetras, white clouds, cherry barbs, rasboras and others.

Contact me if I can be of further help.|||Guppies and Neon Tetras are pretty cheap. Cory cats are also very cute and around $2.99. But it depends on what type of cheap fish you want.

~ZTM|||Some fish I have that are inexpenxive are ; cherry barbs and corydoras catfish. They make good pets because they are easy to take care of and very fascinating.|||i think keeping fish would only be cruel if you intentionally killed them off by not cleaning or feeding. overstocking your aquarium is hard on them too. also don't get fish that will grow too big for your aquarium. thats not very nice.|||I would reccomend going to walmart to buy your tank and everthing you need I found its the cheapest place around me to get one. And i would go with a bigger rather than smaller. one you cant get many in a 10 and a bigger one isnt any harder to keep clean than a small one. They have a 29 gallon tank at walmart for around $94.00 its a kit that comes with heater and filter and lighted hood. You will need to buy a few other things like gravel and deco. and off course the fish.

For Fish there are so many differnt kind out there. I my self started out with Platies and some african dwarf frogs. They are very hardy fish and frogs. The frogs are so much fun to watch and there so active.. Why do fish make good pet? Well for me they are very realaxing to seat and watch. You dont have to let them out to go to the bathroom. If you leave for a day or 2 the fish are usely ok long as your not going to be gone over a month. (I never leave mine longer than a couple days with out having someone check on them )

A few more fish would also be some guppies but if you dont want babies be sure to get all males or females. usely the fantail males are the prettest.

Neon terta are pretty and very active in a tank. They are a schooling fish which means you should have 5 or more so they can swim together. I could go on and on with differnt fish. Keep in mind starting a tank isnt really cheap if your going to do it right. All the fish and frogs i have mention are freshwater, I have noticed freshwater is usely cheaper than saltwater. The fish for fresh water range any where from 28 cent on up (goldfish the 28 cent.)

If i were to recommond any thing i would say the African Dwarf frogs. I found them so much fun to watch and there so active. And they get a long with a lot of differnt fish. So you can have fish and the frog. I put a couple links below that might help you out. On some prices of fish and frogs and what fish get a long with what fish. It really is fun to have a tank. Its a added attraction to your room when you have company it seem like the fist place people go to looking eweing and aweing over it. Also keep in mind that you should do water changes once a week. So if your thinking fish are easier than dogs and cats thats not really true if your going to keep a nice health tank and fish. Good Luck|||Tetras are a good inexpesive fish that come is many varities and colors. Most are non-agressive and are very easy to up keep.

Fish love to have places to go and hide, or swim through or hang out under. They also love plants which are also benificial for fish. So a tropical looking set up would be nice for them. Hope you enjoy it !!!|||It is only cruel to keep fish in an aquarium that can't support them, don't put a fish that is going to be a foot long in a tank that is 2 feet long. If you are going for a 10 gallon tank, you could keep a lot of cool fish, Yo-yo Loaches are my favorite. This site should help,鈥?/a> You could keep 2 in a 10 gallon with a Dwarf Gourami and some nice schooling fish. Also, if you have some experience with fish, you could try 5 Tangankyikan Shell Dwelling Cichlids, they need very stable water though, if you cannot give them that, don't try them, it will just kill them. Try finding a family owned fish store (not a chain like Petco or Petsmart), they will be able to help you a lot, they know what they are doing... Good luck!|||gold fish|||I got 2 zebra dianos at petsmart yesterday, and they were only 99cents!!!!! I love them they r fun to watch!|||The cheapest and hardest fish are your common "goldfish"or "feeder fish". They dont require a heater and you can buy one for a quarter.|||Mollies are great fish. I would recommend a bigger tank though because the smaller ones get dirty a lot faster. Much more maintenance on a small tank. I would definitely stay away from goldfish. They are very dirty.|||my choice is "guppy" %26amp; "fighter". they are long lasting, cheap, fast breeding , have high resistence. if ur a butcher, u must not care killing a goat. if u prepare to maintain a aquarium, "the u must not care about A FISH'S FREEDOM".

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