Thursday, September 22, 2011

Is it legal to keep hummingbirds as pets in Australia?

Please don't tell me you can't keep hummingbirds as pets, because you can. I just want to know if it is legal tokeep hummingbirds as pets in Australia. Thanks :)

BTW I live in Victoria if that matters.|||yes..|||As far as I know there arent any hummingbirds in Australia, a quick look over the internet, and look through my field guide to birds of Australia has confirmed this.

Sorry- I havent even heard of these creatures in Zoos here- so the chances of them being avaliable as pets in Australia is very slim.

As for the legalities? I would imagine seeing as they are non-existant in this country, it would be illegal to keep them here, as well, unless you had a zoological licence.|||Never heard of anyone keeping hummingbirds as pets. It is illegal here in the US. To get a hummingbird to Australia it would have to be shipped there and would die in transit. It would be extremely hard to keep these birds alive as I highly doubt it would be legal were probably given incorrect information.

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