Saturday, August 20, 2011

What can i do with my deceased pets when the time comes?

I am trying to prepare for the eventual deaths of my pet cats who are both getting up there in age. The problem is, I have heard in California they are very strict about what you do with your pets.

I don't like the idea of cremation or having them buried with a bunch of other dead animals in some mass burial. To complicate matters I live in an apartment complex and I don't know anyone that has property to bury my pet. I just have no idea what to do. I am looking for some unique alternatives.|||We have had two of our kitties cremated and their remains were put in nice Rosewood urns which are memorialized on a shelf with their pictures.This will also happen to the last two we have when their time comes, since they have lived 17 yrs and 18 yrs before passing we wanted to keep them with us with specific scattering instructions up on our passing we will also be cremated and if we out live the last two all of the ashes feline and human will be scatterd together.But for now they are always with us.The cost of cremation for both here in Sacramento was less than $300.00 including urn and a single cremation.Peace|||I have always had my pets cremated. They are a part of the family. I have a shrine for all my deceased pets.

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|||Where I live, you can bury them on your own property. But, you did mention California, so this changes everything. ;) I am by no means suggesting this, but anyways, find a park/refuge and in a remote spot, give them a proper burial.

I hope this doesn't get Nancy Pelosi on my case... She's one scary looking woman (man?)...|||My Mom and I have lost a dog and two cats now (all to old age), and we had them all cremated. Jenna, our black lab, is still in the house on a side of the mantle (step dad didn't want to spread her ashes), Siame (my mom's cat from before I was born) is somewhere in her room, and Chimmi (who was my cat, such a sweet old man!) I spread around his favourite part of the garden. No matter what happens with their bodies, it's horrible to lose them, so it only seemed right to put Chimmi where he liked to be when he was alive. You could do something similar- I don't know if he was indoors only or not.|||If you have a problem with having them cremated and not returned then you could keep the ashes after cremation and if you ever move into a house spread the ashes in the garden.|||Unique?鈥?/a>|||Give your pets a proper burial.|||Eat them

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